University Council

The University Council  is the governing and decision making organ of the University. Members of the Board of Directors of the Kigali Independent University are appointed by the Founder (owner) of the University.

Members of University Council

It is composed of the following members:

ULK Council:

Vice Chairman: Prof. Harelimana Jean Bosco
Reporter: Dr. Sekibibi Ezechiel

Prof. Kafeero Gervasio
Mr. Ruzibiza Stephen
Dr. Kyaguranyi Ronald
Ms. Balinda Rebecca
Dr. Kagwiza Jeannne
Mr. Ishema Pierre
Dr. Karekezi Kemirembe Olive

Below are the attributions of the ULK Board of Directors/Governors:

  • To provide points of view and suggestions concerning the University education policies and strategies and assure the follow up of their execution;
    To approve the designation of the Chancellor;
    To approve the selection of the Members of Senior Management;
    To approve Internal Regulations of the University;
    To approve the University budget;
    To approve the Annual Activity Plan of the University and the related budget;
    To approve the conclusions and decisions submitted by the Academic Senate, including particularly the academic awards, recruitment, promotions for lecturers and researchers of higher learning institutions;
    To make a follow-up of activities which allow the University to fulfill its mission;

The Board of Directors meets once in three months upon the request of the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson in case of the Chairperson’s absence or unavailability while the quorum of 2/3 of its members are present.

In case of emergency and impossibility for the Board of Directors to sit, the Senior Management of the University can urgently decide in order that the University fulfils its mission. In this case, the Vice Chancellor shall communicate the decision in writing to the chairperson of Board of Directors not later than three (3) working days starting from the day on which the decision was taken.
The Board of Directors shall examine the urgent decision taken by the Senior Management during its next meeting.

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