Head of the Department of Finance & Rural Development / Gisenyi Campus

The Department of Rural Development is well endowed with necessary resources to produce planners, entrepreneurs who are in position to provide expertise in National Development.
In addition, Graduates from this department are Job makers as they are equipped with enough skills in Entrepreneurship and Project Planning and Management. These are aimed at equipping graduates with requisite skills on demand by employers and the nation at large.
Considering the vision of the country and the entire region, Rural Development Department is the first choice for students who join as regular candidates.
We welcome all who would be interested in joining us in the development of our country’s future.

The following are the duties of the Head of the Department of Rural Development:

  • Managing effectively activities related to the following Departmental Academic Aspects:
  • Receiving the lecturers’ course notes and handing them to students after checking their contents;
  • Verifying the content of courses notes on the programme of the department (the Dean of the School being the second controller and the first responsible of the process);
  • Checking if each and every course has been taught effectively;
  • Managing the students’ class attendances;
  • Programming courses all over the academic year (the Dean of the School being the controller in first instance);
  • Following up the application of the weekly timetable of courses and examinations;
  • Proposing the weekly timetable of lecturers’ academic and administrative activities to the Dean of the School;
  • Following up issues related to Students’ practical works;
  • Managing Examination question papers;
  • Setting up dates and hours for writing examinations;
  • Managing examination written scripts (examination booklets);
  • Managing the examination results and their recording into the computer;
  • Managing Students’ marks complaints;
  • Managing Supplementary exams;
  • Managing students examinations exemptions;
  • Issuing academic documents (in conformity with related routing slips);
  • Receiving students dissertation topics (jointly with the School Council);
  • Managing the proof-reading of dissertations (the Dean of the School being the responsible at the first instance);
  • Preparing the allocating of dissertation topics to supervisors (on behalf of the Dean of the school);
  • Preparing documents needed for dissertation presentation (to be submitted to the Dean of the School, who is the Responsible at first instance);
  • Keeping records of already presented dissertations as well as their minutes;
  • Students’ internships (confirming the choice of the students in matter of the internship location or organization; dispatch the internship supervisors to students);
  • Preparing the list of the laureates of his department.
  • Looking forward to the rational use of the human and material resources put at his disposal;
  • Lecturing various courses as required by the teaching annual workload;
  • Preparing and conducting meetings of the Department Council and forwarding related reports to the hierarchy;
  • Carrying out any other task requested by the hierarchy.


  • Phone: +250788304172
  • E-mail:


Head of the Department

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