Based on the ULK strategies of cooperation, the achievements during thirteen years of its existence are outstanding.
ULK signed a Memorandum of Understanding with various Universities such as Makerere University, Kyambogo University, KwaZulu Natal University and Pretoria University. Talks are ongoing to sign Memorandum of Understanding with Tulane, Open University of Tanzania, Universtité de Rome III, Université Libre de Bruxelles, etc.
ULK is a founder member of African Union of Private Universities (AUPU) founded in 2008 and which has seat at Cairo /Egypt. ULK plays a big role in organisation of «Association Rwandaise d’Institutions Privées d’Enseignement Supérieur» (ARIPES) and in «Conseil des Recteurs des Institutions Privées d’Enseignement Supérieur» (CRIPES) meetings.
Thanks to Cooperation, below are the main universities with which cooperation has led to admission to ULK’s prospective Master’s and Doctorate’s students: University of Kwazulu Natal, University of Pretoria, Tswane University of Technology, Wits University, Moi University, Makerere University, Université Catholique de Louvain, University of Ireland, Université de Lyon , Utretch, Wroningen, Kampala International University.
Since four years , ULK is involved in Cooperation with NUFFIC through CILC ( Center for International Legal Cooperation ) in the Kingdom of Netherlands. This cooperation has strengthened the ULK capacity in staff development as well as infrastructure development.
This NUFFIC cooperation has granted scholarship to 9 Masters and 3 PhD in Law faculty. As far as infrastructure is concerned, it has provided 140 desktop computers 8 laptops, 200 books, projectors and their screens. The curriculum in the School of Law was developed and module content development is ongoing.
Cooperation with local Higher Education Institutions either public ( NUR, KIST, SFB, KIE, etc.) or private (UNILAK, UNATEK, INES, UCK, etc) has made possible to exchange lecturers, to conduct seminars and to share experiences.