At Kigali Independent University (ULK), we believe that publications make scientific information publicly available and allow the rest of the academic audience to evaluate the quality of academic research. Please check below to see more of our research publications.
1. Okello Candiya Bongomin, G.,
Semukono, F., Yourougou, P., and Balinda, R. (2024). Replicating
the suitability rule and economic theory in pursuit of microfinance
inclusion of women micro-agribusinesses in rural financial
markets. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies
Vol. Forthcoming; Emerald Publishing Limited 2044-0839; DOI 10.1108/JADEE-07-2023-0162.
2. Okello
Candiya Bongomin, G., Akol Malinga, C., Manzi, A.A., and Balinda, R.
(2024). Recalibrating the scope of financial inclusion through
financial technologies in the digital age: the role of digital literacy as a
moderator in rural Uganda. Information Technology & People Vol.
Forthcoming; Emerald Publishing Limited 0959-3845, DOI 10.1108/ITP-09-2022-0732.
3. Okello
Candiya Bongomin, G., Chrysostome, E., Nkongolo-Bakenda., J.M., and Yourougou,
P. (2024). Credit counselling: a contemporary strategy for
survival of micro small and medium-sized enterprises in under-developed
financial markets post COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Entrepreneurship
and Public Policy, Vol. Forthcoming; Emerald Publishing Limited Emerald
Publishing Limited 2045-2101, DOI 10.1108/JEPP-06-2023-0053.
4. Okello
Candiya Bongomin, G., Akol Malinga, C., Manzi, A.A., and Balinda, R.
(2024). The role of trust as an informal social mechanism for contract
enforcement among young women microenterprises in financial markets in
sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Sociology and Social
Policy, Vol. Forthcoming; Emerald Publishing Limited 0144-333X.
DOI 10.1108/IJSSP-06-2023-0146.
5. Okello
Candiya Bongomin, G., Yourougou, P., Balinda, R., and Lubega Baleke Yiga, J.
(2024). Customized financial literacy: a boon for universal financial
inclusion of PWDs post COVID-19 pandemic in developing countries. Journal
of Financial Regulation and Compliance, Vol. Forthcoming; Emerald
Publishing Limited 1358-1988, DOI 10.1108/JFRC-07-2023-0109.
6. Okello
Candiya Bongomin, G., Semukono, F., Yourougou, P., and Balinda, R. (2024). Does
financial experience of women microentrepreneurs promote microfinance inclusion
and survival of microenterprises in rural Uganda? Asian Journal of
Economics and Banking. Vol. Forthcoming; Emerald
Publishing Limited 2044-0839; DOI 10.1108/AJEB-01-2024-0008.
7. Okello
Candiya Bongomin, G., Semukono, F., Yourougou, P., and Balinda, R.
(2024). Reinvigorating the future of microfinance banks in sub-Saharan
Africa Post Covid-19: SEM reflective model approach with debt literacy as
mediator. American Journal of Business. Vol. Forthcoming; Emerald
Publishing Limited 2044-0839; DOI 10.1108/AJB-11-2023-0197.
8. Okello
Candiya Bongomin, G., Chrysostome, E., Nkongolo-Bakenda., J.M., and Yourougou,
P. (2024). Nexus between financial inclusion and
sustainability of indigenous microenterprises in Africa: the mediating role of
financial debt literacy. Journal of Business and Socio-economic
Development. Vol. Forthcoming; Emerald Publishing Limited Emerald
Publishing Limited 2045-2101, DOI JBSED-07-2023-0056.
9. Jean
Bosco Harelimana, & Marthe Umugwaneza. (2024). The Effects of
Monitoring and Evaluation on the Performance of Diary Community Processing
Centre in Rwanda. J Bus Econo Stud. 2024. 1(1): 1-6. DOI: doi.org/10.61440/JBES.2024.v1.09
10. Ngirababo
rwusira, dan. (2024). Impact of credit offered by financial
institutions on socio- economic development. Vol.
8 issue 8. 206.
11. Mutuyimana,
V. & Sikubwabo C. (2024). Employees’ Motivation Practices and
the Performance of Public Institutions: A
Case of Musanze District Rwanda. Journal of
Human Resource & Leadership, 8 (3),
12. Sikubwabo,
D. C., Rukundo, D., Ruhumuriza, G., & Mukunzi, D. (2024, May 18). Transitioning
from Academia to Workforce: Addressing the Challenges Faced by University
Graduates in Securing Employments in the Labor Market. African Journal
of Education, Science and Technology, 7(4), 167-173.
13. Aradukunda,
A., & Sikubwabo, C. (2024). Influence of Financial Resources
Management on Project Performance in Public Institutions: A Case of Kigali City
(2018-2022). African Journal of Empirical Research, 5(2),
14. Mbonimana,
S., & Sikubwabo, C. (2024). Effect of Learner-Centered Approach
Application on Learning Outcomes in Secondary School at Advanced Level: A Case
of Rulindo District, Rwanda (2021-2023). African Journal of Empirical
Research, 5(2), 250–266. https://doi.org/10.51867/ajernet.5.2.23
15. Ntabwoba,
L., & Sikubwabo, C. (2024). Influence of Family Background on
English Language Proficiency among Learners in Nine and Twelve Years Basic
Education Schools: A Case of Musanze District, Rwanda. African Journal
of Empirical Research, 5(2), 119–134. https://doi.org/10.51867/ajernet.5.2.12
16. Hakizimana,
F., & Sikubwabo, C. (2024). Effect of Parents’ Participation in
Secondary Schools Activities on Students’ Academic Achievement: A Case of
Nyabihu District, Rwanda. African Journal of Empirical Research, 5(2),
17. Sikubwabo,
C., Mitari, M., Nkurikiyimfura, J. B., Uwamariya, J., & Niyonsaba, T.
(2024). Exploring Effective Strategies to Address Shortcomings in
Spoken English Among Students in Rural Primary and Secondary Schools in
Non-Native English-Speaking Nations. African Journal of Empirical
Research, 5(1), 463–475.
18. Mukamana,J.
& Sikubwabo, C. (2024). The
effect of monitoring and evaluation on the local government projects’
performance: A case of modern market building projectin Musanze District. Global
Scientific Journals, 12 (1), 2460-258.
19. Mukeshimana,
A. & Sikubwabo, C. (2024). Effect of Women’s Development Projects
in Improving the Social Welfare of the Beneficiaries: A Case of Mother and
Child Development Center in Gakenke District. Journal of
Entrepreneurship and Project Management, 8 (2), 47-57. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53819/81018102t4247
20. Nyirasafari,
M. & Sikubwabo, C. (2024). Influence of project management skills
on project sustainability: A case of vision 2020 Umurenge program in
Burera district. Global Scientific Journals, 12 (1),
Irakoze, J., & Sikubwabo, C. (2024). Determinants of Students’ Mastery of English Language as
the Medium of Instruction in Rwandan Universities. African Journal of
Empirical Research, 5(3), 614–628. https://doi.org/10.51867/ajernet.5.3.53
Dasan, N., Onuorah, O. M., & Baba, M. A. (2024) Mathematical
Model Investigating the Impact of Pharmaceutical and Non-Pharmaceutical
Approaches on the Spread and Control of COVID-19 in Uganda. World
Scientific News 191 168-188.
23. Ntahomvukiye,
S. P., & Sikubwabo, C. (2024). Effect of School Facilities on Learner’s
Academic Performance in Science Subjects in Secondary Schools: A Case of
Rutsiro District, Rwanda (2021-2023). African Journal of Empirical
Research, 5(2), 690–709. https://doi.org/10.51867/ajernet.5.2.61
24. Mukuru,
B., & Sikubwabo, C. (2024). The Role of Early Childhood Education in
Boosting Learning Abilities at Subsequent Levels: A Case of Selected Primary
Schools in Musanze District, Rwanda. African Journal of Empirical
Research, 5(2), 725–735. https://doi.org/10.51867/ajernet.5.2.63
25. Musabwayire,
J., & Sikubwabo, C. (2024). Effect of School Leadership Practices on
the Commitment of Secondary School Teachers in Musanze District, Rwanda. African
Journal of Empirical Research, 5(2), 550–563. https://doi.org/10.51867/ajernet.5.2.47
26. Okello
Candiya Bongomin, G., Balunywa, W., Mwebaza Basalirwa, E., Ngoma, M., and
Ntayi, J.M. (2023). Contactless digital financial innovation and
global contagious COVID-19 pandemic in low income countries: Evidence from
Uganda. Cogent Economics & Finance, 11:1, 2175467, https://doi.org/10.1080/23322039.2023.2175467.
27. Okello
Candiya Bongomin, G., Akol Malinga, C., Manzi, A.A., and Balinda, R. (2023). Agent
liquidity: A catalyst for mobile money banking among the unbanked poor
population in rural sub-Saharan Africa. Cogent Economics & Finance, 11:1,
2203435, https://doi.org/10.1080/23322039.2023.2203435.
28. Gashema
, B., & Alain , A. M. (2023). Building Customer Trust in
e-commerce: A Study on Buyers’ Adoption and Usage Intent in Rwanda . International
Journal of Finance & Banking Studies (2147-4486), 11(4),47–57.
29. Gashema,
B., & Alain, A. M. (2023). Building Customer Trust in
e-commerce: A Study on Buyers’ Adoption and Usage Intent in
Rwanda. International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies
(2147-4486), 11(4), 47–57.
30. Musabe Jean Bosco et
al., (2023). MGFEEN: A Multi-Granularity Feature Encoding
Ensemble Network for Remote Sensing Image Classification.
31. Habiyaremye,
A. D. & Sikubwabo, C. (2023). Effect of Project Planning Practices
on the Performance of Tourism Projects: A Case of Sabyinyo Community
Association, Kinigi Sector, Musanze District. Journal
of Entrepreneurship and Project Management, 7 (15), 152-162.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.53819/81018102t2293.
32. Nkurunziza
A., & Sikubwabo, C. (2023). Effect of Stakeholders’
Management Practices on the Performance of Social
Protection Projects: A Case of Girinka Program in
Musanze District, Rwanda. Journal of Entrepreneurship &
Project Management, l7(15), 140-151 DOI: https://doi.org/10.53819/81018102t2289
33. Zenawii,
L.A. & Sikubwabo, C. (2023). Influence of Socio-economic
factors on the performance of Agricultural projects: A case of Rwanda
Dairy development projects, Musanze District, Rwanda. Journal of
Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 7
(15), 21-33. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53819/81018102t4228
34. Nzamwita,
D. & Sikubwabo, C. (2023). Effect of Monitoring and
Evaluation on Performance of Water Supply Projects in Gakenke District,
Rwanda. Journal
of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 7 (9), 22-36.
35. Masengesho,
S. & Sikubwabo, C. (2023). Effect of students’
behaviors management strategies on their academic performance in secondary
schools in Rwanda: A case of secondary schools in Burera district. Global
Scientific Journals,11 (2), 264-274
36. Mugiraneza,
S. & Sikubwabo, C. (2023). The effect of African Institute
for Mathematics and Sciences teacher training program on the improvement
of teacing Mathematics and sciences at selected secondary schools, Musanze
District, Rwanda, Global
Scientific Journals,11 (1), 1428-1446.
37. Vincent,
N., Cyuzuzo, A.C. and Uwimana, I.N. (2023). National Professional
Internship Programme (NPIP) for Higher Learning Institutions Graduates and
Their Future Employment Opportunities: A Study from Rwanda Development Board
(RDB). Open Access Library Journal, 10: e10649. https://doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1110649
38. Nkundabaramye
V, Kwihangana I, & Uwera S. (2023). The COVID-19 Pandemic and
Unemployment in Kigali City, Rwanda. International Journal of Social Science
and Human Research. Available at: https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i7-44
39. Onuorah,
M.O Abdulahi, M. B Neoline, N (2023) Optimal Control Model
of Human African Trypanosomiasis, World Scientific News 178
136-153. https://worldscientificnews.com/optimal-control-model-of-human-african-trypanosomiasis/
40. Onuorah,
M.O Abdulahi, M. B, Nanangwe, A, Balagadde, R.S, Kabandana, I (2023) Optimal
Control Model for Hepatitis B Virus WNOFNS 48 (2023) 70-94. Optimal
Control Model for Hepatitis B Virus – World News of Natural Sciences – Volume
48 (2023) – PSJD – Yadda (icm.edu.pl)
Azhar Moussa, Martins Onuorah, and Suzan Luyiga1(2023) Fuelwood
Consumption and Tree Species Extinction, a Case Study of Kartala Forest in
Western Mbadjini of Region of Comoros. WNOFNS 43 (2022) 138-150. Fuelwood
Consumption and Tree Species Extinction, a Case Study of Kartala Forest in
Western Mbadjini of Region of Comoros – World News of Natural Sciences – Volume
43 (2022) – PSJD – Yadda (icm.edu.pl)
42. Niyonsaba,
A. & Sikubwabo, C. (2022). Teacher personnel Management and
learning effectiveness in Rwandan primary schools. A case of Burera
District [Rwanda]. Voice of Research, 10 (4), 1-12. Available
at: http://www.voiceofresearch.org/Doc/Mar-2022/Mar-2022_1.pdf
43. Umuhoza
C. & Sikubwabo, C. (2022). Classroom management techniques
and students’ academic performance in private secondary schools in Musanze
District, Rwanda. International Journal of all research Writings,
3(7), 93-97. Available at: https://www.ijarw.com/Users/ManuScript/ManuScriptDetails/4e0dbd8-7-736f-48f0-beb6-f0003ff9e8df
44. Uwanyirigira, M.C.
& Sikubwabo, C. (2022). Teachers’ working conditions and
learners’ academic performance in Rwandan public secondary schools: A case
of Burera District (2014-2019). Voice of Research, 10 (4),
at: http://www.voiceofresearch.org/Doc/Mar-2022/Mar-2022_2.pdf
45. Mutabeshya,
C. & Sikubwabo, C. (2022). Effect of family socio-economic
status on students’ academic achievement in Nine Years Basic Education
(NYBE) schools. A case of Rubavu District, Rwanda. Voice of
Research, 41 (9), 36-52.
at: https://ideas.repec.org/p/vor/issues/2022-41-09.html
46. Minani, J.P.
& Sikubwabo, C. (2022). The role of Technical and Vocational
Education and Training (TVET) in empowering women in Rwanda: A case of Rubavu
District. Voice of Research, 10 (4), 111-126.
at: http://www.voiceofresearch.org/Doc/Mar-2022/Mar-2022_10.pdf
Ndandu, M. & Sikubwabo, C. (2022). Contribution of
Competence Based Curriculum to the improvement of learning in Rwandan
Secondary schools: A case of Burera District. Voice of Research,
41 (12), 25-40.
at: https://ideas.repec.org/p/vor/issues/2022-41-12.html
48. Ngabonziza,
J.C. & Sikubwabo, C. (2022). Investigating the causes of
school dropout in Nine Years Basic Education schools in Rwanda and its
possible solutions: A case of Rutsiro District. Voice of Research.
10 (4), 153-161.
at: http://www.voiceofresearch.org/Doc/Mar-2022/Mar-2022_14.pdf
49. Rukundo,
D. & Sikubwabo, C. (2022). Contribution of Technical and
Vocational Education and Training (TVET) program in promoting employment
opportunities Among the youth in Rwanda: A case of Nyabihu District. Voice
of Research, 10 (3), 17-31.
at: http://www.voiceofresearch.org/Doc/Dec-2021/Dec-2021_3.pdf
50. Nshimiyimana,
P. & Sikubwabo, C. (2022). Contribution of instructional
supervision practices by the school authorities in improving learners’
academic performance in private secondary schools in Burera District,
Rwanda. Voice of Research,10 (4),23-29.
at: http://www.voiceofresearch.org/Doc/Mar-2022/Mar-2022_3.pdf
51. Uwizeyimana,
V. & Sikubwabo, C. (2022). Discipline enforcement techniques
and students’ academic performance in Rwandan Nine and Twelve Years Basic
Education schools: A case of Musanze District (2017-2019). Voice
of Research, 10(3), 1-7.
at: http://voiceofresearch.org/Doc/Dec-2021/Dec-2021_1.pdf
52. Habihirwe, P.
& Sikubwabo, C. (2022). Effects of information
and communication technology on students’ learning behavior in Rwandan
secondary schools in Musanze district. Voice of Research, 11
(1): 47-71
at: http://voiceofresearch.org/Doc/Jun-2022/Jun-2022_2.pdf
53. Amani, M.C.
& Sikubwabo, C. (2022). Effect of community engagement on
learners’ academic performance in rwandan primary schools. a case of Kanzenze
and Mudende sector (s) in Rubavu district (2015/2020). Voice of
Research, 11(1): 97-108.
at: http://voiceofresearch.org/Doc/Jun-2022/Jun-2022_6.pdf
54. Bizimana,
E. & Sikubwabo, C. (2022). Planning for Teaching as a
Predictor for Trainees Academic Performance in Rwanda Polytechnic: A Case
of IPRC Huye and IPRC Kitabi. International Journal Of All
Research Writings,
55. Parsien,
J.C. & Sikubwabo, C. (2022). Effect of Extracurricular Activities
on Learning Process in Rwandan Public Boarding Secondary Schools: A Case of
Rwamagana District/Rwanda (2014/2019). Voice of Research, 10(4):
at: http://www.voiceofresearch.org/Doc/Mar-2022/Mar-2022_4.pdf
56. Mugeni, M.C.
& Sikubwabo.C. (2022). Effect of E-learning utilisation
during Covid-19 on learning effectiveness in Rwandan public higher
learning institutions : A case of UR-CAVEM, Voice of Research,
11(3): 97-108.
at : http://www.voiceofresearch.org/Doc/Dec-2022/Dec-2022_4.pdf
57. Niyonzima,
S. & Sikubwabo, C. (2022). Assessing Free Basic Education and
learning outcomes of 12 years basic education schools : A case of
Burera District. Voice of Research, 11(3): 33-45.
at : http://www.voiceofresearch.org/Doc/Dec-2022/Dec-2022_1.pdf
58. Nduwayo,
J. & Sikubwabo, C. (2022). Effect of teacher professional
development practices on English learning outcomes in Rwandan primary
schools: A case of Musanze district. Voice of Research, 11(2):
at : http://voiceofresearch.org/Doc/Sep-2022/Sep-2022_1.pdf
59. Mpinganzima, S.
& sikubwabo, C. (2022). Effect of teacher’s time
management, preparation; and program completion on learner’s academic
achievement in Rwandan primary schools. A case of Nyakabanda Sector, in
Nyarugenge District (2014/2019). Voice of Research, 11(2):
at : http://www.voiceofresearch.org/Doc/Sep-2022/Sep-2022_2.pdf
60. Ndayisaba, J.C.
& Sikubwabo, C. (2022). Effect of school feeding program on
students’ academic performance in Rubavu district of Rwanda
(2020-2021). Voice of Research, 10(4): 74-84.
at : https://econpapers.repec.org/paper/vorissues/2022-41-08.htm
61. Mutabeshya,
C. & Sikubwabo, C. (2022). Effect of family socio-economic status
on students’ academic achievement in nine-year basic education (9YBE)
schools. A case of Rubavu district, Rwanda. Voice of Research, 10(4):
at : http://www.voiceofresearch.org/Doc/Mar-2022/Mar-2022_9.pdf
62. Niyotwagira,
M. & Sikubwabo, C. (2022). Parental Involvement And Learner’s
Academic Performance In Nine Years Basic Education. Case Of Mukamira And
Jenda Sectors In Nyabihu District, Rwanda. 2014/2019. Global
Scientific Journals, 10 (2), 1113-1141.
at :
63. Vincent
Nkundabaramye. (2022). Effects of the East African Community Single
Customs Territory (EACSCT) on the Movement of Goods along the Rwandan Customs
Posts. Available at: https://doi.org/10.5296/jsss.v9i2.19286
64. Nkundabaramye
Vincent, (2022). Trade Facilitation Initiative: A Study from Rwandan
Customs Posts in New Innovations in Economics, Business and Management
(9)17. Available at: https://doi.org/10.9734/bpi/niebm/v9/15924D
65. Amani
Manzi Alain (2022). An evaluation of Financial Literacy among business
Owners of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Rwanda. ULK Scientific
Journal, Special Issue September 2022.
66. Nkundabaramye
Vincent, & Mom Aloysious Njong. (2022). Effects of Rwanda
Electronic Single Window (RESW) on the Movement of Goods along the Rwandan
Customs Posts.
67. Nuwahereze,
D., Onuorah, M.O., Abdulahi, M. B., Kabandana, I (2022) Standard
Incidence Model of Measles with two Vaccination Strategies WSN 170 (2022)
149-171. Standard
Incidence Model of Measles with two Vaccination Strategies – World Scientific
68. Onuorah,
M.O., Atiku, F. A and Juuko, H (2022) Mathematical Model for
Prevention and Control of Cholera Transmission in a Variable Population.
Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Research. Vol 9(1)
69. Abdirahman
Saleban Yusuf, Farooq Abubakar Atiku, Abdulfatah Abdu Yusuf, Adiya, ZISG,
Onuorah Martins O. and Abdulqayoom Tunji Lawal (2022). Integrated
Remote Sensing And Gis Approach For Spatial Modeling Of Water Quality In
Nakivubo Channel. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358040534_integrated_remote_sensing_and_gis_approach_for_spatial_modeling_of_water_quality_in_nakivubo_channel.
70. Mugabe
Roger & Liu Shulin & Brima Sesay, (2022). “ICT Development,
Innovation Diffusion and Sustainable Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa,” SAGE
Open, , vol. 12(4), pages 21582440221, October.
at: https://ideas.repec.org/a/sae/sagope/v12y2022i4p21582440221123894.html
Bavugirije, F. Umutoni, O. & Sikubwabo, C. (2021). Family
background and academic performance of learners in some twelve years basic
education schools of Rwamagana district in Eastern Province, Rwanda. International
Journal of all
Research Writings, 3(6), 2582-1008.
at: https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?paperid=12081
72. Nkundabaramye
Vincent, & Mom Aloysious Njong. (2021). Effects of One Stop Border
Posts (OSBPs) Trade Facilitation Initiative on the Movement of Goods along the
Rwandan Customs Posts.
at: https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=113597
73. Gashema, B.
(2021). Predicting innovative work behaviors through
transformational leadership: The moderating role of corporate social
responsibility. International Journal of Research in Business and
Social Science (2147-4478), 10(1), 69–84.
74. Okello
Candiya Bongomin et al., (2021). Psychoanalysis of the mobile
money ecosystem in the digital age: generational cohort and technology
generation theoretical approach. Development in Practice. Taylor
& Francis.
75. Okello
Candiya Bongomin, G. & Ntayi, J.M. (2021). Reimaging the
mobile money ecosystem and financial inclusion of MSMEs in Uganda: Hedonic
motivation as mediator. International Journal of Social
Economics, DOI 10.1108/IJSE-09-2019-0555.
76. Okello
Candiya Bongomin et al., (2021). Financial Intermediation by
Microfinance Banks in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa: Financial Intermediation
Theoretical Approach. Journal of Comparative
International Management, Special Issue December, 2021.
77. Amani
Manzi Alain et al., (2021). Psychoanalysis of the mobile money
ecosystem in the digital age: generational cohort and technology
generation theoretical approach. Development in Practice. Taylor &
78. Sikubwabo,
C. (2021). Understanding the effect of domestic violence on
learning effectiveness among primary school learners. A case of Rubavu
District. Inkanyiso: The Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 12(2),
at : https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ijhss/article/view/212336
79. Mugabe,
Roger. (2021). The Impact of Digital Tax Administration Enhancing Tax
Growth in Developing Countries: Evidence from Rwanda Electronic Filing and
Payment. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/355427049_The_Impact_of_Digital_Tax_Administration_Enhancing_Tax_Growth_in_Developing_Countries_Evidence_from_Rwanda_Electronic_Filing_and_Payment/citation/download
Mugabe, R., Kamara, P. U., Bakarr, A., & Turay, A. B. (2021). Impact
of ICT on macroeconomic stability and international competitiveness: Case of
Rwanda. *International Research Journal of Innovations in Engineering and
Technology (IRJIET)*. https://doi.org/10.47001/IRJIET/2021.502012
Mugabe Roger & Liu Shulin & Byringiro Enock, (2021). “The
Impact of ICT Investment and Diffusion on Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence
from Rwanda,” International Journal of Innovation and Economic
Development, Inovatus Services Ltd., vol. 7(4), pages 23-36, October.
Okello Candiya Bongomin et al., (2020). Digital financial
innovations in the 21st century: do transaction tax exemptions promote
mobile money services for financial inclusion in
developing countries? Journal of Economic and Administrative
Sciences, Vol. 36 No. 3, pp. 185-203: DOI
83. Okello
Candiya Bongomin et al., (2020). Analyzing the
relationship between financial literacy and financial inclusion by
microfinance banks in developing countries: Social network theoretical
approach. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, DOI:
10.1108/IJSSP-12-2019-0262. Emerald Publishing Limited.
84. Okello
Candiya Bongomin, G & Ntayi, J.M. (2020). Trust: mediator between
mobile money adoption and usage and financial inclusion. Social
responsibility Journal, Vol. 16 No. 8, pp. 1215-1237, DOI
85. Okello
Candiya Bongomin et al., (2020). Microfinance
accessibility, social cohesion, and survival of Women MSMEs in post-war
communities in Sub-Saharan Africa: Empirical evidence from Northern
Uganda. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. DOI: 10.1108/JSBED-12-2018-0383
86. Gashema,
B., & Kadhafi, M. I. (2020). Advancing employee’s innovative work
behaviors in the workplace: The role of transformational leadership, positive
psychological capital and effort-reward fairness. Bussecon Review of
Social Sciences (2687-2285), 2(1), 13–26. https://doi.org/10.36096/brss.v2i1.178(Original
work published February 25, 2020)
87. Sikubwabo,
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