The following are the duties of the Head of the Department of International Relations, Gisenyi Campus:
• Managing effectively activities related to the following Departmental Academic Aspects:
o Receiving the lecturers’ course notes and handing them to students after checking their contents;
o Verifying the content of courses notes on the programme of the department (the Dean of the School being the second controller and the first responsible of the process);
o Checking if each and every course has been taught effectively; o Managing the students’ class attendances;
o Programming courses all over the academic year (the Dean of the School being the controller in first instance);
o Following up the application of the weekly timetable of courses and examinations;
o Proposing the weekly timetable of lecturers’ academic and administrative activities to the Dean of the School;
o Following up issues related to Students’ practical works;
o Managing Examination question papers;
o Setting up dates and hours for writing examinations;
o Managing examination written scripts (examination booklets);
o Managing the examination results and their recording into the computer;
o Managing Students’ marks complaints;
o Managing Supplementary exams;
o Managing students examinations exemptions;
o Issuing academic documents (in conformity with related routing slips);
o Receiving students dissertation topics (jointly with the School Council); o Managing the proof-reading of dissertations (the Dean of the School being the responsible at the first instance);
o Preparing the allocating of dissertation topics to supervisors (on behalf of the Dean of the school);
o Preparing documents needed for dissertation presentation (to be submitted to the Dean of the School, who is the Responsible at first instance);
o Keeping records of already presented dissertations as well as their minutes;
o Students’ internships (confirming the choice of the students in matter of the internship location or organization; dispatch the internship supervisors to students);
o Preparing the list of the laureates of his department. • Looking forward to the rational use of the human and material resources put at his disposal;
• Lecturing various courses as required by the teaching annual workload;
• Preparing and conducting meetings of the Department Council and forwarding related reports to the hierarchy;
• Carrying out any other task requested by the hierarchy.
Head of the Department of International Relations, Gisenyi Campus