The achievements of ULK during its’ 20 years of existence are outstanding. However, the University expects to go further in the development of its’ activities in terms of infrastructure, development and training of the teaching staff.
RWIGAMBA BALINDA FOUNDATION has so far provided postgraduate studies scholarships to more than 46 assistant lecturers. Many of them have already completed with their master’s programmes. Several lecturers have defended their PhD thesis, seventeen others are pursuing their PhD programmes and one lecturer is doing his CPA programme
Below are the main universities which have provided admission to ULK’s Master’s and Doctorate’s students: University of Natal, University of Pretoria, Tswane University of Technology, Wits University, Moi University, Makerere University, Kampala International Independent University, Dar Es Salaam University, Open University of Tanzania, Universite Catolique de Louvain, University of Ireland, Universite de Lyon, Phillipine Christian University, CEBU Doctor’s University , Open University of Malaysia, Groningen University, University of Utretcht.