Full Staff Contacts



The President president@ulk.ac.rw 0788302348
The Vice-Chancellor vc@ulk.ac.rw 0788304081

ULK Kigali


The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academics dvc-academics-kigali@ulk.ac.rw 0788303667
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Administration and Finance dvc-finance-kigali@ulk.ac.rw 0788302644
ULK Gisenyi The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academics dvca-gisenyi@ulk.ac.rw 0788308792
ULK The Director of Research and Postgraduate Studies dir-rcc@ulk.ac.rw 0788304084
ULK – Kigali The Head of Quality & Career Centre dir-quality@ulk.ac.rw 0788855127
The Head of Technical and Assets dir-technassets@ulk.ac.rw 0788301043
ULK Kigali The Dean of the School of Economics and Business Studies deanfebskigali@ulk.ac.rw 0788303668
The Dean of the School of Law deanlawkigali@ulk.ac.rw 0788303749
The Dean of the School of Science and Technology deanfstkigali@ulk.ac.rw 0788302943
The Dean of the School of Social Sciences deanfsskigali@ulk.ac.rw 0788304085
The Director of Academic Affairs dakigali@ulk.ac.rw 0788304086
The Director of Administration and Finance dir-financekigali@ulk.ac.rw 0788303670
The Head of Students Services and Customer Care dir-studentskigali@ulk.ac.rw 0788304616
The Centre of Languages celakigali@ulk.ac.rw 0788474889
The Head of Library


dir-librarykigali@ulk.ac.rw 0788302429
The head of the Polytechnic Institute polytechnic.institute@ulk.ac.rw 0788304083
The Head of the Department of International Relations hodinternrelkigali@ulk.ac.rw 0788303715
The Head of the Department of Computer Science


hodcskigali@ulk.ac.rw 0788301847
The Head of the Department of Economics


hodecokigali@ulk.ac.rw 0788303748
The Head of the Department of Law


hodlawkigali@ulk.ac.rw 0788303749
The Head of the Department of Finance hodfinancekigali@ulk.ac.rw 0788303716
The Head of the Department of Accounting hodaccountingkigali@ulk.ac.rw 0788300320
The Head of the Department of Population Studies hodpopkigali@ulk.ac.rw 0788303735
The Head of the Department of Development Studies hoddvskigali@ulk.ac.rw 0788303735
ULK Gisenyi The Director of Quality dir.quality.gisenyi@ulk.ac.rw 0788309726
The Dean of the School of Economics and Business Studies deanfebsgisenyi@ulk.ac.rw 0788304137
The Dean of the School of Social Sciences deanfssgisenyi@ulk.ac.rw 0788303723
The Director of Academic Affairs dir-acadgisenyi@ulk.ac.rw 0788304171
The Director of Administration and Finance


dir-adfinancegisenyi@ulk.ac.rw 0788304173
The Head of Students Services and Library dir-studentsgisenyi@ulk.ac.rw 0788303718
Centre of Languages celagisenyi@ulk.ac.rw 0788800013
The Head of the Department of Law


hodlawgisenyi@ulk.ac.rw 0788303704
The Head of the Department of Finance hod-fin-gisenyi@ulk.ac.rw 0788303759
The Head of the Department of Accounting hod-acc-gisenyi@ulk.ac.rw 0788303759
The Head of the Department of Rural Development hodrudgisenyi@ulk.ac.rw 0788304172
The Head of the Department of Development Studies hoddvsgisenyi@ulk.ac.rw 0788309567