The Rwandan Entrepreneurship Research Forum (RERF) is an organization conducting, publishing and disseminating Entrepreneurship Research and that aims at imparting entrepreneurial knowledge and skills; imparting entrepreneurial research advancement knowledge to the rest of society, in this way assisting in building a mindset of prosperity and building a community of job creators; with effects: to enlarge the national job market. It also collaborate with competent education institutions (principally, the Kigali Independent University ULK) in providing basic and advanced entrepreneurship and businesses fields training to the society, particularly to Young Entrepreneurs.
The Rwandan Entrepreneurship Research Forum (RERF) was established in March 2017, it works with the African Young Entrepreneurs Society (AYES – Rwanda), all hosted at Independent University ULK, as a partner. It also intends to work with many other Organizations, both profit making and non-profit making.
Where is the idea to incept the Rwandan Entrepreneurship Research Forum (RERF) and consequently its present strategic plan coming from?
Beeka (2010) affirms that all over the world, entrepreneurship is linked to employment generation, innovation and economic growth, but entrepreneurship has been downplayed in Africa (including Rwanda) over the past 30 years (Marsden 1992). Fundamental to Africa’s problems is high youth (15-35 years olds) unemployment, and integrating more youths into the small business sector can contribute to alleviating the myriad of issues associated with unemployment, underemployment and poverty. Yet, specific research into the field of youth entrepreneurship in the African context is limited or non-existent (Chigunta 2002; Chigunta et al. 2005; Schoof 2006). Kigali Independent University ULK Researchers have decided to create the Rwandan Entrepreneurship Research Forum – RERF, in order to conduct entrepreneurship impactful related research taking into account the fact that while entrepreneurship may not be the total solution to youth unemployment, it is an innovative strategy that can personally and professional develop vibrant individuals and raise the entrepreneurial potential of young people.
To provide high quality research and related offers (publication, extension, conferences, workshops, training, networking, etc.) to all entrepreneurship stakeholders in Rwanda and within the Region, including private and public spheres, with a particular focus to youth as stakeholders.
In line with worldwide peers Entrepreneurship Research For a, the Rwandan Entrepreneurship Research Forum mission is anchored in the following triptych:
- To conduct, publish and disseminate conceptual and empirical research related to entrepreneurship development, knowledge, innovation, opportunities and to promotion of self-employment careers; hence, bridging the gap between research and practical application.
- To serve as a bridge between the Rwandan/Regional entrepreneurship research community and all agents active in development of new and small enterprises; particularly the youth;
- To offer entrepreneurship researchers in Rwanda, a forum for to share ideas and build national and international networks in the field of entrepreneurship.