Rwanda National Police tips International students at ULK on responsible lives amid Covid-19

Officials keenly following as students ask questions
On 09 September 2021, a delegation from Rwanda National Police led by CP Bruce MUNYAMBO visited Kigali Independent University and ULK Polytechnic Institute to brief international students on how to live responsibly amid COVID-19 pandemic. Also in attendance were Prof. Dr SEKIBIBI Ezechiel, the Vice Chancellor of ULK, Eng. Patrick KAYIJAMAHE, the Academic Assistant to Vice Principle, Mr. MBONIGABA Théoneste, Officer in Charge of Students’ Services and Customer Care, to mention but a few.
Countries across the globe have been grappling with the effects of the airborne disease, since its outbreak back in 2019. Efforts to mitigate it have been combined by almost all members of the human family with Rwandans and those living in Rwanda playing their part in this fight. Statistics reveal that the death toll resulting from the killer disease is appalling. Rwanda in particular saw COVID related deaths soar at a daunting pace and this pushed the government to take stringent measures to contain the pandemic.
It is against this background that Rwanda National police visited ULK with a particular message for international students.

Students attended the event
As CP MUNYAMBO said, the National Police ensures that people in Rwanda and their property are safe and secured. He also added that one cannot feel secured when there is a disease ravaging their neighbourhood.
“The mission of Rwanda National Police is to deliver high quality service, accountability and transparency, safeguard the rule of law and provide safe and crime free environment for all. That is why we have come to share with you updates on the efforts made by Rwanda National police in eradicating the pandemic which is hindering people’s lives”, he was quoted as saying.
The function climaxed in a question-answer session in which a number of questions were asked and answered to the satisfaction of participants.
In his conclusion PC MUNYAMBO urged international students to freely cooperate with the national police not only on matters having to do with COVID-19 but also on any other issue that may jeopardize their lives.
“Feel free to call the police toll free lines or any other numbers by Rwanda National police in case you have a case to report. We will always be there to timely help you”, he reassured the international students.
In his concluding remarks, the Vice Chancellor of Kigali independent University ULK, Prof. Dr SEKIBIBI Ezechiel thanked Rwanda national Police for their relentless partnership which enables the university to conduct its academic activities in a safe and conducive environment. He went further to call upon all international students to take by heart the message delivered to them by the National Police and share it with the rest of the campus community so that it may have a greater impact on bettering people’s lives.