Welcome Message of the Vice-Chancelor, ULK

Kigali Independent University ULK is an accredited Private Higher Learning Institution in Rwanda. It was established in 1996 destined to stand out as a remarkable university for excellence at the heart of Africa with highly motivated students and high qualified personnel endowed with elevated ethical values with a mission to educate, teach, conduct research and serve the community to enable them to become actors and organizers of a complete development of the nation and be the pillars of the economic transformation and social change.
In its conviction to reach the imperative convenience global clientele, the Kigali Independent University ULK offers aspired global programmes (Accounting, Finance, Economics, Law, development studies, international relations, computer science) in both undergraduate and graduate to disseminate universal knowledge and provide community services through teaching, research, social-cultural and civic engagements with community at large for public good and social interests.
Since its creation, Kigali Independent University ULK graduated over 30,000, today they are serving the society in Public services, Private Sector, and in Non-Governmental Organization).
To achieve our universal mandate, Kigali Independent University has created the enabling modern infrastructure and instruments to facilitate the teaching and learning. Kigali Independent University has expanded his services to the community in Rubavu District and has “ULK Gisenyi Campus” that attracts many students from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and other 4 Neighbors from Ngororero, Karongi, Rutsiro and Nyabihu Districts in Rwanda.
Kigali Independent University ULK has qualified academic staff (Professors, Drs) in different domains, who embrace the quality teaching together with the supporting staff.
At Kigali Independent University ULK students enjoy equality education where all students benefit from its policies. Today Kigali Independent University has attracted over 1,000 international students due to its attractive quality standards, programmes and relevant facilities. The computer labs equipped with updated software, help students to get updated technical skills that respond to their dreams. “We believe with no doubt that ULK alumina competences have transformed the lives of the society though knowledge transfer and innovations”.
Today most of lecturers teaching in universities, others working in the private, public institutions and non-government organizations got their skills at Kigali Independent University ULK. “Join us, size the future and transform your future though education”.
The uniqueness of the Kigali Independent University ULK is in the following: (1) our academic services are excellent and centered to students and on quality standards. (2) Attractive programmes that respond to the market needs. (3) Academic skills are combined with professional skills to impact the quality education that transforms the learner’s ability to work. (4) Conducive facilities that give students welfare and entertainment. (5) International student office takes care of international students affaires. (6) Accommodation of the academic staff during their academic services in the guest house of the Kigali Independent University ULK.
“Being near our students, listening to them together with academic innovations is the foundation of our success”
Dear students and community, our leadership capacity manages the needs of human elements and transforms them into positive knowledge and create confidence to sustain in the development.
Knowledge transfer from Kigali Independent University strives to create quality manpower and lay the foundations of intellectual capital creation systems and internationalize the thinking process and universal analytical skills for our graduates. This is considered as a valuable investment and impacts them essentially in problem solving and embraces scientific capacity building and remains integral in the developmental philosophy Agenda worldwide, in the Region and Rwanda in particular.
“I am convinced that being where the students are, value their feedback, empower academic staff and compliance will bring all the desired change we need”