He also said that, Kigali Independent University ULK & UPI are keen to make a difference by changing students’ mindsets through the Career Advisory, Entrepreneurship, and Incubation Centres. We promote the entrepreneurial attitude among students and graduates and equip them with entrepreneurial skills.
Our Institutions are responsible to promote entrepreneurship among students in order to enable them to start their own businesses by:
Ø Sensitize and motivate students on entrepreneurship culture (conferences by entrepreneurs, debates, workshops, etc.);
Ø Encourage students and unemployed alumni to be job creators instead of job seekers.
Ø Render very active career advisory centers which have been created, partnering with local as well as outside organizations.
Ø Increase students’ confidence
Ø Empower students with strong ethical values of integrity, determination, humility, perseverance, honesty, patience, etc. which are the basis of any entrepreneurship project.
Ø Train students to be planners, doers and motivators.
Ø Have positive thoughts (to be confident, to have a positive vision of life, to keep a clear vision of your success) to overcome negative thoughts of worries, challenges, failures, disappointments, etc.
Ø Create more activities that enable students to improve their ability to work in group and build team spirit and to develop networks and other opportunities;
The Founder and President of ULK and UPI advised Laurents and graduands to have knowledge of high quality, they need to continue reading books, articles, use e-resources, to know how to perform, to get sufficient skills, to do short practical trainings and thus become Managers and Cadres of changes and transformations as well as to be role models in their communities.
The ended his speech by once again thanking all who attended the ceremony, wishing them a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year of 2025.